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One A4-Sized Poster print-ready data :private

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Projects Done 4

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Jp 日本語



Born in Kanagawa in 1983 and currently lives in Tokyo.
Until 2012, one in Korea-based online game company do business as video production manager.
Then, from the original video production started and activities as freelance, including video editing, music production, mastering, Web design and image synthesis, now extended hand areas such as 3D, possess a variety of aspects, such as radio in streaming. Whereas each piece ' to good works, works best ' works include a collaboration with works such as by editing original works in addition to nifty delicacy and tact to the concept.

  • Creator ID:6745
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:14year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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  • 星供養ポスター作成のお願い


    Fee: JPY62,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2022.11.12 Terms: 6日

    Client: 油山寺(Religion)

    ●Purpose of making posters We believe that people's fortunes are influenced by the "Big Dipper" and "Kuyou" in Shingon Buddhism. The practice of worshiping the Big Dipper and Kuyou to ward off misfort...

    [See more]

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