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For urgent issues, please leave!
Using the time difference of トロントー between, take advantage of an hour!

(Now Toronto is 13 hours from Japan time)

Design simple and attention is good.
Various flyers, company profile, posters, business cards, business cards, logos,
Clients like's to be able to answer your request

We will design a cordial. Please feel free to consult us.

  • Creator ID:2584
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:22year(s)
  • Area:Canada
  • Last Login:Within 3 months




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  • 製品パンフレット(A4)


    Fee: JPY93,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2024.04.12 Terms: 32日

    Client: System Development

    We have decided to create a brochure for the renewal of AIMSTAR products. Company website: Please search for "GROWTH VERSE" as I cannot post the URL. The product website is currently being renewed, bu...

    [See more]

  • 電話帳に掲載する連絡先紹介枠のデザイン


    Fee: JPY27,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2024.03.13 Terms: 25日

    Client: 個人(Banking and Finance)

    ●Purpose of creating flyers We are looking for new articles to be published in the telephone directory. There are three formats, so please create all three. As we handle insurance, please make sure to...

    [See more]

  • ハンドメイドアクセサリーのアクセサリー台紙の作成


    Fee: JPY11,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2023.03.30 Terms: 54日

    Client: Self-Employed

    ●Purpose of creating a business card/ Backing paper for handmade accessories ●Delivery file specifications: File format: illustrator Size: Half the size of a business card, so that there are two busin...

    [See more]

  • 整体院のロゴ (看板/診察券に使用)

    整体院のロゴ (看板/診察券に使用)

    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2021.07.13 Terms: 16日

    Client: Self-Employed

    ● Purpose / Overview of creating signboards / banners: (Details as much as possible) Due to the reopening, the signboard / examination ticket logo will be renewed. [Signboard] The size is planned to b...

    [See more]

  • 年賀状の新規作成と以前作って頂いたチラシの修正


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2018.12.04 Terms: 37日

    Client: Clear(Self-Employed)

    [See more]

  • まつげエクステンションのチラシ


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2018.04.10 Terms: 59日

    Client: Clear(Self-Employed)

    ● Purpose / overview of creating leaflets: (As much detail as possible) We've contacted you to create a leaflet that you can be interested in ● Delivery File Specifications: File Format: Size: A4 Doub...

    [See more]

  • 市民活動団体向け講座のチラシ作成


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2015.10.30 Terms: 7日

    Client: NPO _ NGO

    [See more]

  • スクールリーフレット


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2015.10.13 Terms: 133日

    Client: Sports-related industry

    [See more]

  • ゴルフサークルのシンボルロゴ


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2014.12.19 Terms: 58日

    Client: Employee

    -To request the logo design objectives:
     At the personal request, this request is for the first time.

    Please note insufficiencies.

    Wished to be held bi-monthly in golf circles constituted assoc...

    [See more]

  • スクールリーフレットデザイン


    Fee: JPY29,160 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.10.27 Terms: 131日

    Client: 個人(Sports-related industry)

    [See more]

  • ループライン


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.12.19 Terms: 14日

    Client: 有限会社GPS(その他)




    [See more]

  • 講演会プログラム


    Fee: JPY8,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.12.09 Terms: 6日

    Client: 個人(個人)

    Double side scalping is the same lecture flyer design (how to apply, contact, delete) On the back is only black and white borders

    [See more]

  • 乳がん講演会


    Fee: JPY25,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.12.03 Terms: 29日

    Client: NPO法人乳がんサポートグループVOICE(NPO法人)

    It is a distribution for flyer for Conference on breast cancer held in 2/16. Target is female, so ask in a warm design.
    You can at least provide especially aware of the Pink Ribbon.
    I wanted to ask al...

    [See more]

  • 便利屋さんのチラシデザインB5


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.09.26 Terms: 10日

    Client: 大内田設備(建設業)

    Thank you community-based in Nara Prefecture handyman flyer design.

    Size B5 front side in intimate we line of business is on the back.
    Color image of the entire we think in pink color. Thank you.

    [See more]

  • 名刺・ショップカードの作成とフライヤー一部修正


    Fee: JPY9,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.07.03 Terms: 35日

    Client: 個人(美容関係)





    [See more]

  • 歯科ポスター


    Fee: JPY6,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.04.26 Terms: 28日

    Client: 医療系


    [See more]

  • A4チラシ(片面カラー)


    Fee: JPY13,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.02.20 Terms: 20日

    Client: withUT(その他)


    [See more]

  • シンプル名刺 の使用許可申請

    シンプル名刺 の使用許可申請

    Fee: JPY5,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.02.08 Terms: 34日

    Client: アイラッシュ・ネイルサロン

    [See more]

  • 乳がんアドバイザーのリーフレットとロゴ


    Fee: JPY24,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.08.13 Terms: 43日

    Client: 個人(個人(乳がんアドバイザー))

    Hospitals can be used, or to pass to the patient leaflet design and logo by
    Please tip design. April in personal activities as Advisor for breast cancer.
    So I think this job is until now not think so ...

    [See more]

  • 緊急メンテナンス(水道屋)のポスティング用チラシデザイン


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.05.14 Terms: 5日

    Client: 個人(設備)


    [See more]

  • チラシ・名刺・ポイントカード等デザイン一式


    Fee: JPY15,800 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.04.19 Terms: 52日

    Client: 非公開(介護)

    (A) A4-サイズチラシ
    (B) B4 サイズチラシ
    (Iii) point card
    (D) tickets

    Business cards (5) As image ' heartwarming series ' ended the last form would.

    [See more]

  • 学習塾(小・中)のチラシ


    Fee: JPY28,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.04.08 Terms: 19日

    Client: STUDY ONE学習教室(学習塾)

    In Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Pref. Elementary School Department, new school, junior high school student recruitment flyer creation design please. Surface increase greatly in the Photo Center, fill out...

    [See more]

  • 乳がんと乳房再建講演会のプログラム


    Fee: JPY20,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.03.15 Terms: 22日

    Client: NPO法人乳がんサポートグループVOICE(NPO法人)

    A3 size paper and folded in two, A4 will program a four-sided.
    1 ) cover page (title)
    2 ) left in the program of the day 3 ) notes you can write to impressionable ( just borders?

    4 ) back cover ...

    [See more]

  • 店内の販促用ポスター 


    Fee: JPY16,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.10.29 Terms: 24日

    Client: 個人のお客(ボディーケアエステ)

    ボディコンシェルジュ(http://www.bclab.jp)と言う機械があるのですが、当サロンで導入しましたので待合室に、その販促用のポスターを作って頂きたいと考えております。 当サロンは青が基調になっていますが、店内用の広告ですので自由に作って頂いて構いません。

    [See more]

  • パソコン販売用のチラシデザイン


    Fee: JPY8,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.09.28 Terms: 7日

    Client: 株式会社ジャパンステーションズ(パソコン販売)

    Think flyers simple design as the PC for sale flyer design emphasis without, was posted on body pictures and specs (more) and amount, but if you can 'WindowsXP' still buy! Things that'd like on the fr...

    [See more]

  • B4の1/3サイズのクーポン件のデザイン(ほぼレイアウトは決まっております)


    Fee: JPY2,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.07.08 Terms: 4日

    Client: 株式会社KDT(広告代理店)

    We have a pachinko parlor fliers on dining coupons together project. Plus (10-20 times a month) we receive from your restaurant newspaper Centerfold request or a points card also. Design of all our av...

    [See more]

  • 会社のオリジナルグッズ(タオルorTシャツ)のデザイン検討


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.07.02 Terms: 11日

    Client: 有限会社GPS タオアドベンチャー(アウトドアツアー)

    Shikoku Yoshino River in the rafting Centre, organises outdoor tour company.
    Now to make this time, as returning guests are issued to original goods (Sport T shirt or towel). So, looking toy design.

    [See more]

  • チラシデザイン


    Fee: JPY18,500 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.06.22 Terms: 43日

    Client: Happy Plus(ECサイト運営)

    Want to ask A4 leaflet design. Baby clothes, toys, maternity gift products such as Internet shops to OPEN in the summer, but see 8/2011 OPEN! As well as flyers and leaflets have been used to. ', For i...

    [See more]

  • ファミリーコンサート(クラシック) チラシ(4c/1c)・ポスター(4c)

    ファミリーコンサート(クラシック) チラシ(4c/1c)・ポスター(4c)

    Fee: JPY43,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.05.11 Terms: 28日

    Client: (公財)せたがや文化財団音楽事業部(文化財団)

    'Summer holiday family concert' flyer and poster making. Flyers A4 size ( 4C/1C );
    The poster is A3 size (4 C). So enjoy summer concerts, animal tracks (Orchestra and imitation Concerto four seasons o...

    [See more]

  • 地震病ポスター


    Fee: JPY6,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.04.28 Terms: 6日

    Client: 株式会社シー・エム・シー(整体院)

    I think you earthquake disease flyers you have previously created a poster version produced. Content is similar to the flyers, but would you change the design, including some for A type sign in front ...

    [See more]

  • リラクゼーション院リーフレット


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 11.04.27 Terms: 7日

    Client: 株式会社シー・エム・シー (リラクゼーション院)

    Please create a leaflet of the relaxation. It's common in the promotion of the logo, so no design specification.

    [See more]

  • 武蔵境地震病チラシ


    Fee: JPY6,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.04.19 Terms: 6日

    Client: 株式会社シー・エム・シー(整骨院)

    Ask A4 single-sided black and White Flyer design. Like the image of the attached.

    [See more]

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Various flyers, brochure, poster, logo design, postcards, business cards, magazine ads and cute illustrations


Currently, in Canada, Toronto

We have freelance designer. In Japan printing company he moved the Toronto after working as a graphic designer, responsible for graphics in newspapers.

And as well as freelance, about 9 years of design experience.

Dining, nail salon, osteopathic, nursing, music events, system development company, Internet shop for many clients, such as hoteliers travellers we have to repeat. And other design experience, such as Super flyers, storefront POP, posters, logo, postcards, company profile, appliances, home sales, mobile phone, pachinko parlors are rich.


Various designs are prevalent in North America are also available. Please feel free to consult it.

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