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One-stop service of design, advertising, from every genre of your product planning will help you to public relations strategies. There are various distribution, manufacturing, health care and a wide range of field experience. From product design, computer graphics, and various illustrations including planning, copywork exhibitors planning design of flyers, posters, brochures, exhibitions, etc. and print we can because for the time being please consult.

  • Creator ID:2028
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:39year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:Within 3 days






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  • 雑誌に載せるイラスト


    Fee: JPY3,240 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.12.14 Terms: 21日

    Client: 個人(Self-Employed)

    [See more]

  • タイ ナチュラル消臭剤

    タイ ナチュラル消臭剤

    Fee: JPY82,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.11.09 Terms: 127日

    Client: was,inc(Other Industory(卸売り業))

    [See more]

  • 窓ガラスフィルムの販促チラシ


    Fee: JPY32,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.09.01 Terms: 23日

    Client: 有限会社SCOPE(Construction)

    -To create a flyer: printing of promotional flyers you giving away when construction company guided by consumers of our products and services
     -Specifications of the delivered file: data to the print...

    [See more]

  • リペアソリューションカタログ


    Fee: JPY120,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.03.15 Terms: 26日

    Client: was,inc(自動車用品輸入卸売)

    Is a leaflet for the automotive repair industry, A4 format page 6.
    Text of the manuscript is about 80% complete.
    I think some change in encouraged to design and manufacture.
    Also undecided text anywhe...

    [See more]

  • 週刊ダイヤモンドへの記事広告掲載


    Fee: JPY30,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.03.07 Terms: 13日

    Client: サービス

    NET ad to the shukan diamond.

    [See more]

  • 笹かまラベルのデザイン製作


    Fee: JPY40,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.02.07 Terms: 28日

    Client: 包装資材

    I would want to ask bamboo kamaboko product label design.
    Size is 40 mm × 60 mm vertical rectangular in shape, 4 color or spot color 3 + Gold design.
    Series 4 points each by two patterns in each 100...

    [See more]

  • AT添加剤パッケージ


    Fee: JPY40,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.12.08 Terms: 34日

    Client: was,inc(自動車部品用品卸)

    The Japanese name オートマフルード recovery agents
    It is also called AT fluid revitalizer

    China names to be seen.
    Is a product of ビダーイン jelly-like foil pouches in 200 cc containers.
    Users added to an au...

    [See more]

  • 当団体のイメージ画募集!


    Fee: JPY15,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.08.29 Terms: 21日

    Client: 東京クラフトビールマニア(団体)

    I see for this issue, thank you.
    Us is the Tokyo craft beer mania is a natural person (individual) organizations. Attracting love craft beer, delicious (barrel students)! Cheap craft brews!

    [See more]

  • 販促うちわのデザイン


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.07.09 Terms: 20日

    Client: 株式会社エコフィール(製造業)



    [See more]

  • 竹の子歯科の名刺デザイン作成


    Fee: JPY12,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.04.11 Terms: 43日

    Client: パンダウェブコンシェルジュ(WEBサイト制作等)





    [See more]

  • サイトキャラクターの作成 2ポーズ

    サイトキャラクターの作成 2ポーズ

    Fee: JPY8,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.04.01 Terms: 10日

    Client: パンダウェブコンシェルジュ(WEB制作会社)




    [See more]

  • 店頭表示用パネルデザイン


    Fee: JPY8,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.03.19 Terms: 17日

    Client: 日本美容医学研究会 大阪地区会(クロロフイル化粧料販売)




       素肌美メイク  :メインタイトル:大きく表示

    [See more]

  • 電機系統図イラスト作成のお願い


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.02.26 Terms: 6日

    Client: 株式会社YAMABISHI(製造業)


    [See more]

  • 歯科医院マスコットキャラ 作成

    歯科医院マスコットキャラ 作成

    Fee: JPY13,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.02.01 Terms: 45日

    Client: パンダウェブコンシェルジュ(WEB制作会社)

    See want create modern, based on existing characters.

    [See more]

  • 「B4」雷対策工事のチラシデザイン


    Fee: JPY29,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.01.28 Terms: 17日

    Client: 信越電気防災株式会社(建設業)

    Promotional flyer for world standards we deal in our SPD (avoid lightning equipment) and lightning protection construction by using it please.
    The flyer image equipment is not the main main we provide...

    [See more]

  • ポスティング用お店案内チラシ


    Fee: JPY36,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.11.26 Terms: 6日

    Client: 非公開(小売業)

    Thank you sports cycle shop (Trek concept store) promotional flyer design.
    Used as a posting or leaflet inside.
    Design would impact our regional customer recognized bicycle shops

    In the content taste...

    [See more]

  • ダイレクトイグニションコイルパッケージ


    Fee: JPY55,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.06.14 Terms: 35日

    Client: was,inc(自動車整備用品輸入開発)

    Is the first opportunity when asked.

    Thank you in advance. Incidentally size was pending review and contact you.

    [See more]

  • 自動車部品パッケージ


    Fee: JPY30,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.05.09 Terms: 37日

    Client: PACdevice(輸入問屋)

    It will always be indebted.
    Below is a request for a four-point 1.
    Some rework of the current product packaging (following HP O2 sensor)
    http://www.PAC-device.com/ 2.
    Different colors of the adapted o...

    [See more]

  • 「リフォーム相談会」の新聞折込広告


    Fee: JPY20,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.09.30 Terms: 12日

    Client: 株式会社オリオン(住宅リフォーム)

    We consider when remodeling consultation meeting held in Minoh, Osaka newspaper advertising inserts on B4 size want to create front and back design. 1. Notice subject: design 2-conscious women between...

    [See more]

  • 浄水器販売用チラシの作成


    Fee: JPY40,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.07.20 Terms: 34日

    Client: 株式会社スマイルリンク(浄水器販売)

    In the new business will start sales of United States-made reverse RO osmosis see IonicRO (ionic RO)' domestic monopoly products PB.
    Flyers can use promotional General first of all production.
    Main us...

    [See more]

  • ハンギング台紙


    Fee: JPY20,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.05.23 Terms: 13日

    Client: PAC device(自動車整備機器販売)

    Create a storefront for hanging mount wishes than last time was, start engine and stable. Delivery would like about 10 days. It is. Materials used will repetition and illustrations that we created ago...

    [See more]

  • 自転車シェアリングに使用する自転車のキャラクター及びシェアステーションのロゴマーク


    Fee: JPY23,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.05.12 Terms: 10日

    Client: NPO日本自転車シェアリング協会(NPO)

    Share Rin ( share of bike sharing with market share and bike bell sounds ' Rin ' naming combines )... character design

    [See more]

  • スタビルパウチ用カード


    Fee: JPY66,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.05.08 Terms: 46日

    Client: PAC device(自動車整備機器販売)

    We ask SYE last mount. Please mount the sister product package.

    [See more]

  • 会社の案内チラシ若しくは案内カード(長3位)


    Fee: JPY24,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.03.08 Terms: 8日

    Client: 有限会社あすかケアサービス(ケアサービス)

    You want to create a brochure of the company. Medical and nursing care (nursing and home-visit care and in-home care support), conducts business. As the image is simple taste. Logo and map data.

    [See more]

  • sye台紙


    Fee: JPY80,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.02.27 Terms: 38日

    Client: was,inc(自動車整備機器輸入販売)

    Continue the other day illustration & one paper is.

    Sample is due out tomorrow. Price, had assumed the 100000 budget at all, so this way, but would be greatly appreciated presents from the compan...

    [See more]

  • 新商品パッケージ挿入アメコミイラスト


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 11.01.18 Terms: 9日

    Client: was,inc(車両整備機器販売)

    Create a new product from the United States Japan language package. Insert two illustrations to intuitive handed down product characteristics and how to use there. Design package (blister mat board) i...

    [See more]

  • イベント会場への導引チラシ


    Fee: JPY30,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.03.22 Terms: 12日

    Client: 株式会社生活文化研究所(太陽光発電システム)

    End users to get many request a quote of the painting of the exterior walls and roof and photovoltaic power generation system. For solar comes to ask for estimates and simulations, painted quote and q...

    [See more]

  • 太陽光発電事業加盟店募集/新聞広告1項全面


    Fee: JPY43,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 10.03.15 Terms: 13日

    Client: 株式会社生活文化研究所 (太陽光発電)

    Referring to previous ads so you can. Texts are available here. Image data is also 2 to 3 points there. Other reference images, but leave because the overall design you want to thank redesigned and ol...

    [See more]

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Various design, 3D visuals, illustrations


Co-op, cooperative, various distribution, various food and beverage industry, manufacturing, other services, long-term care, hospital medical institutions, etc.


We will propose, without having done actual prototypes such as small to medium manufacturing and distribution industries involved in product and sales preparation products public relations strategy development in Visual production and variety of tool production and product samples are also effective planning by using CG. Please contact us.

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