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Jp 日本語

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Product planning and comp artists in the illustration team had childhood magazine, copyright pictures and magazines in illustrated animation.

In recent years free in game series finishes the company comp devised and, in the application of animation, such as copyright of stamp. Main activities can be submitted as an original finish for corporate character animation and animation copyright and article is little, but thank you.

  • Creator ID:9631
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:28year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago




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There are no project which is permited to show here.


For women, cute illustrations, anime, stamps,


~ Past ~
Corporate camp or childhood journal (copyright, Appendix, shooting dummy, quiz, wisdom, stickers, coloring) many
-Original illustration-
Matsugane Yoko swimsuit Golf logo for illustration of the sister picture? a パッケロゴ next to it is.
Hall of Fame of the reaction gold metal relief relief images (adopted version is unknown)
"Meiji strange apparition series plum shaved Nori Nurikabe" from comp until the product Edition package
"Paula foods during bone cookies, cookie parts design
Coco paid international male and female children character was responsible for only one in character proposals.

Finishing (anime painted path & airbrush, grade lacquer, painted watercolors, thickness, background )
-Current activities-
Early childhood journal Copyright (finishing )
Other copyright line, stamp, apps, games
Business comp devised and included art by Finishing (animated paint, paint the path & airbrush, eroge, watercolor, background )

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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