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One greeting card design :private

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Favorited:  99    3,220cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 49

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

Weekly MVP Week of 27Jan20

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Jp 日本語

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Design company was worked flyers POP, etc about 2 years.
Design is pretty simple for every imaginable design. You can also create a character, and the illustrations are cute illustrations and. Illustrations especially would love animals, children, and family-friendly illustrations for good.

  • Creator ID:4380
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:16year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days






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  • 再家族年賀状2017


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2016.12.28 Terms: 13日

    Client: Employee

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  • ガス展イメージイラスト


    Fee: JPY50,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.06.27 Terms: 3日

    Client: 有限会社 アート工房(Other Industory(看板、イベント、ディスプレイ、造形、営繕))

    Creating illustrations for gas exhibition in Ueno IGA in 2014

    This year's theme is ' dream filled with friendship filled with happiness gas exhibition '
     -Specifications of the delivered file: Ill...

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  • 幼児向け動物イラスト(iPhone/Androidアプリ)


    Fee: JPY36,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2014.04.18 Terms: 36日

    Client: Gamekozo(個人開発者)

    Looking for free distribution to toddler-friendly instruments ( Android/iPhone ) apps anime. Draws his illustrations is currently delivered is too.

    So is releasing a new Illustrator, I to would lik...

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  • LINE風、線画ゆるキャラ 数点

    LINE風、線画ゆるキャラ 数点

    Fee: JPY26,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.11.25 Terms: 4日

    Client: デザイナー

    [Contents & objectives]
    Project description of the products for women 20 to 35 before and after use.
    Show planning introductory sentence loosely as they want,

    I'd like to LINE style (NET-like...

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  • No_photo_l


    Fee: JPY26,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2013.03.31 Terms: 16日

    Client: 個人(個人)

    Want of fat cells we have studied illustration. Found in fat cells divided into white adipose cells (fat cells to store energy) and brown adipose cells (fat cells to consume energy), combines the feat...

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  • 2013家族年賀状


    Fee: JPY10,000 (Tax Included) Completed Date: 2012.12.27 Terms: 6日


    You will be staying.
    I wish cards for families next year.
    Reference was posted of the 2012 new year's card illustration (one big dragon head on the right, the tail is left under) by next year Zodiac s...

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Employment history
2008 May-2010 March design at the company's design flyers, POP, DM, etc.
Free activities
In 2008
-Sammy networks like for sale new year's card creation -Takatsu town planning for events MAP design and illustration.
Creating a logo
-Beef Bowl shop character creation and illustrations created for billboards
In 2009
-Osteopathic medical examination vouchers, billboards, design and illustrations created
-Creating a business card
-Exhibition: flyer and illustrations created -Wedding brochure illustrations and design creation.
Else, create a paper toy
-Jujube's ' more ' new year's card data-collection PACK PREMIUM illustration number of points


Hello, my name is カタツモリ.
To draw a cute animal and are proud. I hope consultation and price-fix, so take a look at thank you.

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