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One A4-sized color illustration :private

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Favorited:  2    656cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 10

Satisfaction good good good good good (5.0)

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Jp 日本語

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Thank you for visiting my profile. This time, I started working as a freelancer. I would like to make use of my experience as a member of society and coterie activities, to maintain polite and smooth communication with clients, and to work sincerely. First of all, I would like to experience various jobs in order to make achievements. Please feel free to contact us for projects with low budget and short delivery time. I look forward to working with you. [Examples of projects that can be undertaken] Illustrations for personal viewing Illustrations for doujinshi Novel illustrations, cover SNS icons, header illustrations Game illustrations CDs, etc. Package illustrations Manga creation ... etc. Girls / Boys Boys' daughters BL, GL, NL R-18… etc. Please contact us.

  • Creator ID:28914
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 days


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[Experience as a member of society] Experience in sales and customer service at retail stores (4 years) Experience in sales promotion design at pachinko parlors (4 years) Experience in DTP operator work at printing companies (1 year) Approximately 5 years for Illustrator / Photoshop Has work experience. In addition, he has more than 10 years of experience in coterie activities.


Excessive violent expressions, grotesque depictions, and horror styles may not be accepted.

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