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Standard Fee

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY30,000

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Favorited:  65    814cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 10

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.5)

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Jp 日本語



Retro illustrations, cute illustrations, healing the system illustration, character based illustration, comics, books, etc.

  • Creator ID:1572
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:35year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:Within 3 months


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Since 1989, working as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist.
1995-During the 2007 exhibition at 16 times.

In 1994, during the 2009 taught a 9 school professional school, culture, etc..
In 1996, "Tan bear" won the Grand Prix at the Rd.

9/2005 Nakazato Qi Award winner at "the illustration ( Japanese illustrators exhibition in NY )'.
6/2008 Was held in New York ", licensing international EXPO ' to exhibit koppes.

7-Eleven Taiwan press conference held at the Taipei 6/2008 in attendance.

12/2010 Solo exhibition in New York. Main job ( order random ) NHK education together with mother "labyrinthine labyrinthine ' animation art and Starbucks coffee tumbler 7 species and mug one, Taiwan 7-Eleven I-CASH card 4 species /SORANA Ana, /THE BOOGIE JACK (Pony Canyon) CD cover 4, Planetarium shows" Moon is filled ' "たいようけい friends' (benesse Star Dome and Hitachi Civic Center production, directing, Director), manga series,.


Released in October ' MJ illustrations BOOK best Illustrator 93 people ' in the works will be posted.

11 / 8 (Friday)-13 (Wednesday) Harajuku Peters Gallery exhibit to 6 MJ exhibition star Brigade. 12 / 19 (Thursday)-24 (Tuesday) Ikebukuro Orange Gallery exhibit to the exhibition of Miyazawa Kenji.

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