Project Detail

Four-frame cartoon production (adult)


JPY25,000 (Tax Included)


46 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Cartoon production


コウワプライム co., Ltd.(Sex shop).png


This Creator has quitted Skillots.
Flow of the project
Medium_54822 Medium_54823 Medium_54824 Medium_54825 Medium_54826
Proposed character plan and rough draft original hearing in the case notes, meeting room
Medium_54827 Medium_54828
Fix several times through five four frame cartoon delivered in a specified format.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
For produce work beyond expectations, we are very pleased. I will continue, the production request made we want to.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Is second at this time, but we are very grateful for our production work can be very satisfied with a good designer to setekureta over the first design. Take a look at the available and we would like to.
Project Detail


JPY25,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



46 days

Job Category

Cartoon production

Project Detail

Our site TOP page up for four-frame cartoon production. Of course, a little H in incorporating content and a gag element is OK.

Required Data

4koma manga 5 proposals submission

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Background

The company managed the delivery health. And content for site visitors not bored of one thing, four-frame cartoon delivers in the weekly.

Your Product/Servise

Wants to have a piece that focuses on our concept and view of the world.


All works with the gold frame (Director of Eva slot and pachinko), naturally requires a gimmick you go. Incidentally, we turned a black Baccarat site.

Size, Format

Is no strict size, please design easy to use smaller or larger. Please deliver with a bitmap image.

Message to
the Creator

Nice to meet you!
Our shop is a popular shop in Gifu touch play ranked in two months, reckoned in the industry.
Our number one girl played also ranked del hell miss three prefectures of Tokai No. 2.
Enhancing new content without a breath of fresh air to stir up in the adult entertainment industry, etc.
Chance to the designer who can get to the famous and as good partners can be involved in the production and appreciated so confident a four-frame cartoon yet.
FYI, please see our TOP page. エヴァンフェリオン
This Creator has quitted Skillots.
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