Project Detail

Cover art for custom t-shirts


JPY15 (Tax Included)



Completed Date


Job Category



We create a custom T shirts. Products include Polo shirts, towels, hoodies


This Creator has quitted Skillots.
Using Report
Flow of the project
Medium_20160321_1 Medium_20160321_2
Hearings in the case notes, project room presents design proposal based on
Further hearings and deliver the data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
I received your response to 丁寧 に ご 対応 頂きまして 大変 満足 です 。 is very happy.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail


JPY15 (Tax Included)

Completed Date




Job Category


Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Detail

My mail will be rude.

My name is co., IMF.
I saw a picture of the author and now we can't issue requests, I was wondering, I received by email.
If you consider your time because the contents are as follows:

The whole story.
-To create the illustration purpose / summary: (detailed)
Catalog of t-shirts available at cultural festivals, sports festivals, etc.
Use on the cover
(Must be available from HP)
This is the website below.

 -Specifications of the delivered file: Illustrator, football shop
 File format:
 Specification: A4-size

Number of points: 1
-Details of the
Figure 5 configuration with brass band, dance club, basketball club, calligraphy Club, soccer club
I hope the pictures are side by side, in the form of the attachment.
We thought our original tee shirt company, so each custom T shirts want to dress up.
* Pose, we shape each one have some movement.

Background we consider in setting in the schoolyard.

For delivery by 4/8 delivery wouldn't you can slow until up to 4/15 of the.
Once, I consider, please tell me? Thank you.
This Creator has quitted Skillots.
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