Project Detail

Homebrew novellas (R-18 expression and) of the beautiful illustration + α




52 days

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Friendliest and KotaJp
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Using Report
Flow of the project
Hearings in the case notes, project room presents design proposal based on
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About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
We draw great illustrations, was more than very quality and are very pleased.
In addition to the small request I hope responding politely, our various proposals, I was very happy. You could also periodic progress reports, with confidence, to leave.
I think we also wish.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Please answer questions politely, it is very easy to use.
Also think their use.
Project Detail



Completed Date



52 days

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Transfer copyright to the Client(The Artist will NOT exercise her/his moral rights)

Project Detail

-To create the illustration purpose / description: Our paint homebrew short stories published on blogs and pixiv illustration.
Content of the novel is going lure men of the squadron members, evil woman phantom guise beauty (R-18 expression is). I would want to publish in each site in addition to the novel illustrations we produce. Also scaling, cropping, and we intend our use on the top picture of the blog.

No plans for commercial production or commercial use.
About-we want to draw the illustrations: One woman phantom hero human State beauty figure + phantom State setting style illustrations, temptation illustration alone beauty figure 1 total 2 points.

Thank you, neither in full color.
-Human and phantom State image
In the human State -Sensual, sexy & lovely big breasts gravure Idol beauty.
Age is about 20 years old. Loose hair and fluffy hair.
Kaki上getari or 棚引ka 振rimaitari scent, there is also part of meaning of temptation.

And various mini skirt fancy dress costume to wear in any costume changes.
In the phantom State
-Is what became the Sci-Fi Monster upright bipedal humanoid animal (Armadillo). -Face is from animal-based animal color is stronger as a whole, but the charm is.

Pink is the color of the skin.
-Setting style illustrations Thank you man State woman sight + phantom State settings like color illustrations. It is neither in whole-body image, wearing beauties draw sub phantom State,.
The background is plain white is OK.
Margins with rough sketch (bust shot) of other facial expressions and gestures can be.

The phantom State fit please Tachie and state possible curled up.
◇ temptation illustration

In the human condition beautiful appearance, here give a color illustration of the side (i.e. my) sweet erotic than having seduced the scene.
-Output file specification:
File formats: PNG and PSD
Size and specifications: 1200 × 1920 or 1920 × 1200 pixels across time

Number of points: illustration 2 points (full-color) + alpha (see below)
-Article can be paid: The text describing the novel story and character settings. Settings are arranged OK.

Neither has published on the site, but the news during your consultation. Including the number of multinationals will draw illustrations of the novel story additional within the scope of the budget, where you will find suggestions and very appreciated. Illustrated in simple black and white and the background would be the number of points. Here goes the R-18 expression.

Required but not if there is availability in May.
More than a thank you.
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