Project Detail

スマートフォンカバー original design


JPY17,000 (Tax Included)


14 days

Completed Date


Job Category






Non-Public (Individual)



Offered Projects:2

Flow of the project
Proposed rough draft to the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Further hearings and deliver data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
[Ask the good points:
-High quality
-Quick response
Flexible responsiveness to a style of painting
-Meet the challenging demands will

Solid understanding of the client's needs and reflects the
[Keep in mind next time point]
Check out stand
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:4 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail


JPY17,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



14 days

Job Category


Required Data

Photo shop data

Usage of
the Illustration

Individual ornamental

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client

Project Detail

au smart phone HTL22J ONE スマートフォンカバー original design
Appoint a second novel portrays my anime character.

Character design is made so let me upload images in the articles book.

Please write the character detail as finely as possible also to deals

Overview of the anime
We draw a character is a character that appeared in the second novel I'm writing as a hobby.

A FanFic story [gone et りひ NYO I's grandson] is.

Red Devil women are.
Red demon
No distinctive long red hair covers your ass straight And white skin yarn.
High Elf skin and long ears.
Breasts are large bust size is a E-F
And wearing a kimono
-Keeping the chest in Salas
-Face is beautiful.
In almond-shaped eyes and eye color is golden.

-Pupil taper in cats are sharp

I had try image is going to fine wrote is sure.
About the model
Get painted this time, is the kimono.
Is the design differs from regular kimono.

Please check also will improve images in minutes.
Kimono colors is black.
Please look at the picture and you'll see 襞(ひだ).
There color is red.
From the elbow to the base of the fingers red are wrapped in bandages.

About the pattern in Phoenix Oriental please.
[Background information]
Anime background is folding screen-inspired design.
Try sprinkled black Camellia flowers.
Background color is red.

Please write the money flow lines (such as the flow of the river) on red background
In illustration of this focal point the style of painting of the SUMI-e style
Also this image up so please refer to it

I want eyes emit light in effect

You want to write a weapon.

Gentleman sword of vermilion
[Composition, poses, facial expressions]
And the folds of the clothes look better composition.
-Where the sword into the sheath would.
-Blade is half visible.
* Zatoichi felt the image of city

-Character in sideways glances to outstare so sideways
Because pricing is not specified here.

Stop this job was estimated more than a specified amount.
About [delivery]
Call in advance if more than the specified delivery date.
Stop even if the work is not completed until the end of March.

Another request is packed with stops even if they immediately produced and.

And confusing details in the transcript are questions about the above issues from time to time to answer so please tell me good things no matter how minor any part difficult to image

Message to
the Creator

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