Project Detail

Regarding the request to create the original Four Heavenly Kings of Isshinji Temple




97 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Moe illustrations/moe characters


Fudoson Isshinji Temple(Religion)Jp



Japan (Individual)



Offered Projects:25

Using Report
Flow of the project
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We propose a rough design proposal based on the project details and interviews in the project room. Among the four heavenly kings, I chose Komokuten. We offer two patterns: with and without glasses.
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They told me that there was no need to make any corrections to the rough draft, so I continued with the production and completed it. Some of the opaque parts are difficult to print on acrylic stands, etc., so we also submitted a version with a background added.
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
Thank you again for drawing this wonderful illustration. I am very satisfied that the illustration was better than I imagined! I would like to ask you to continue working with me again.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail



Completed Date



97 days

Job Category

Moe illustrations/moe characters

Copyright Terms

Copyright belongs to the artist and the Client is permitted to use the Deliverables
Use-by date:not specified
Use for:not specified

Project Detail

We become indebted to. Thank you for your continued support. Regarding the Four Heavenly Kings this time, I would appreciate it if you could incorporate the key points and make them cute, rather than faithfully reproducing the model Buddha like you did with Kannon. Of the Four Heavenly Kings, the following four are considered the basics. They are often distinguished by what they have, but since there are various patterns, I think you will be fine as long as you have one of the weapons. In addition, each of the Four Heavenly Kings is basically wearing armor, but this point does not have to be reproduced very often, so there is no problem with cloth costumes. This is the first time I'm going to ask Natsu-san, so I would like him to choose the Buddha that is easiest for him to write from the list below. If you search for the name below, you will find many photos of Buddha statues. Tamonten = Treasure pagoda and three-pronged Gekihiromokuten = Brush and scroll Kokuten with a sword and spear = Sword, spear, and halberd Vajrayana Zochoten = Sword, sword, and halberd Vajrayana (sometimes Bishamonten) [About the data] The size of the data is also up to now. It's okay as it is the same as Kannon-sama. [About delivery date] We would be very grateful if you could give us the delivery date within January. [About usage] The usage is basically related to goshuin stamps and goods. This is a possibility, but we are currently working on creating something similar to Isshinji's Bikkuriman Seal, but if we decide to make it with the Shitennou, we will have to pay a separate fee to use this Buddha. Is it possible to use Mr. Bikkuriman in the Bikkuriman version? Thank you very much.
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