Project Detail

Costume design consultation




95 days

Completed Date


Job Category

Moe Illustration / Moe Character




Nai clubJp

Non-Public (Individual)



Offered Projects:48

Using Report
Flow of the project
Propose a design proposal based on the content of the project and hearing in the project room
Further hearings and delivery of data in the specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
Thank you for designing the character and its costumes. If you have another chance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Project Detail



Completed Date



95 days

Job Category

Moe Illustration / Moe Character

Copyright Terms

Copyright belongs to the artist and the Client is permitted to use the Deliverables
Use-by date:not specified
Use for:not specified

Project Detail

Thank you for your support. I will give you an overview of the illustrations you would like to discuss. -Illustrations for personal use as wallpaper for PCs. -A standing picture-style illustration of a female character. I would like to ask from the head to the knees and thighs.・ I would like to ask you two points for the illustrations, which are "different costumes". (See below) ・ Desired size Resolution 350dpi. Vertical illustration. I would like to ask for an illustration with a horizontal x vertical pixel count of about 1000 x 2700.・ Of the 5 characters I requested before, please use the "Sassy Twintail" character. Details will be described later in the message column.・ About costumes. I would like a slightly arranged version of the costume that you designed in the standing picture last time. Details will be described later in the message column. In addition, I think that it can be said that this is a slightly characteristic point, but at present, there are two proposals that are difficult to attach to the costume design. Therefore, I would like you to draw two illustrations with different costumes-although they have quite similar designs. For the two points, I would like you to use the same line drawing for the parts other than the costume design, and make the illustration exactly the same except that the costumes are slightly different. I would like to ask you to do so so that you can easily compare the differences in costumes.・ No background is required.・ I would like to use PNG as the image format.・ There is no particular delivery date. The contents are as above. If you would like to consider it positively, we would appreciate it if you could check the details and provide a formal quote. Thank you very much.
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