Project Detail

Shop anime & logo requests


JPY30,000 (Tax Included)


103 days

Completed Date


Job Category



Manx cat(Apparel Shop).png


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Flow of the project
Medium_33280 Medium_33281
Hearing in the case notes, meeting room in the original proposed character and logo
Print, and WEB-based data delivery
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
Consider a design proposal from here, says if you take effect immediately and convincingly For the staff.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
Rapid response and various designers and designers to ask my image, becomes very helpful to ask because the work can be seen in design is easy to choose the good.
Project Detail


JPY30,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



103 days

Job Category


Project Detail

Please logo and mascot of the shop selling second-hand clothes and clothes (scheduled for opening by the end of this year). Shop name is without a tail of real British motorcycle races see ManxCat"in history's famous Isle of man Isle of man cat. I like old clothes or old smell of motorcycle has this name. Need to be addressed as the shop to smell of the United Kingdom and the United States mainly until the 70's clothes and accessories. Cute skull and crossbones areacoda's image as the first design sample 1 up two of their head based on the shape of the projection you want leave thank you cat ears on it, such as changed the body of A letter M design is. So can be a solid color would like monotone color is the color of the body interesting check like a checkered flag at your discretion. 'ManxCat' a large logo to vintage style split characters up or down to small, under together or next to etc look whole image, I will leave you for the. So you want to use one point of T shirts and badges, etc in a simple design including anime color 2 ~ Please in 3 colors. So technically the first stay in when it's convenient for your suggestions thank.

Required Data

Anime 2 draft proposals, 1 Bill

Copyright Terms

Copyright belongs to the artist and the Client is permitted to use the Deliverables
Use-by date:not specified
Use for:not specified

Project Background

Your Product/Servise


Size, Format

By design easy to use because the T shirt, jumper chest or back, etc., to also want to use smaller and even, try to increase also logo design easy-to-read, please.

Message to
the Creator

It is such a rough price please contact first to design a proposal.
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