Project Detail

Poster girl for sites and blogs


JPY20,000 (Tax Included)


131 days

Completed Date


Job Category

MOE illustration




Indonesia (Individual)



Offered Projects:160

Using Report
Flow of the project
Proposed rough draft to the original hearing in the case notes, project rooms
Further hearings and deliver data in a specified format
About The Creator
Very satisfied good good good good good
If you draw a very high-quality illustrations great satisfaction. Loved the girls Kit POW's atmosphere you can. Also, as you draw a background, thank you.
評価 提案力:5 コミュニケーション力:5 納品物の満足度:5 納期の正確さ:5 対応の早さ:5
About Skillots
Very satisfied good good good good good
I think the system is definitely resilient.
Project Detail


JPY20,000 (Tax Included)

Completed Date



131 days

Job Category

MOE illustration

Copyright Terms

Transfer copyright to the Client(The Artist will NOT exercise her/his moral rights)

Project Detail

-Purpose of creating illustrations: Character song anime & voice actors like ask image anime main theme site, blog and believe. I use head blog site is undecided, but. Music theme because it seems there are nuances, such as headphones and musical instruments, sings the gesture and glad, if cute smile of welcome, they may not be. Hope, quality of drinking water girl image as in the sample picture. The composition, background and costumes can be anything. ( already completed illustrations either ).
I want to format if there is background in Photoshop etc can be separately from the figures and background.
 ● delivery file specifications:
 File format: Adobe Photoshop format,
 Specification: A4-size?

Score: 1

-Possible payment documents:
-And other comments to the creators: What is of very nice quality of registered works, sense and feels, even if the individual person where you will find drawing such illustrations. Copyright may be licensed in the form without a time limit.
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