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One A4-sized color illustration :JPY30,000

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Jp 日本語

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I'm an illustrator. While working as a game UI designer and current web designer at the company, I have also worked on illustrations and major clients in the past, so please be assured of punctual delivery and response! We are looking for illustration jobs for commercial, coterie, ornamental, corporate and individual people. [Illustration] I am good at illustrations of mini characters, animals, beasts, mascots, etc. I am good at sweet and fantasy like in the world of picture books, and a glittering moe taste with a lot of frills and ribbons. Since it has a taste like an official anime, it is an illustration that is easy to use as a material for a single character for videos and sites. We also accept a wide range of single pictures for Vtuber and including backgrounds. Easy to use, eye-catching and soothing. Invite people who see it or draw it into the world view. I will try to provide such cute illustrations. I think it's easy for both women and men to like it. We will carefully propose the request of the client! [Sample illustration] There are more posts here. HP https://yurugonomi.com/portfolio/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Mugita_Konomi pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/users/1639374 We try to be bright, quick and polite. We will try to get back to you within 24 hours. Please feel free to contact us!

  • Creator ID:27561
  • Gender:Female
  • Age:private
  • Career:4year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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I am good at illustrations of mini characters / SD / chibi characters / beasts / animals / mascots! Please use it for goods illustrations and illustrations!


・ Social game illustration production ・ Consumer game UI design ・ Social game UI design ・ Website page creation, banner creation ・ Video eye-catching illustration production ・ Website sign character production ・ VtuberLive2D illustration production

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