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Shinji Kitamura

Shinji Kitamura


Works that emphasize the concept work is well established. Born from the objet analogue technique of three-dimensional art and MAC based Digital Fusion "to be solid ' popularity is. Work exp. of facial character goes beyond the area of expertise. Is the writer can do creative character from a real plane until solid.

Creator ID:370





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0Favorited:   38cpt(10549Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


And illustrations / 3D / a bird's eye view illustrated map


0/1977 / Japan designer-school graduation after daily sports design office: illustrations
Productions / 0/1925 and manufacturer of design activities to do
0/1983 ~ 0/1993 / Ad agency art direction for advertising production house exhibition in the main Visual illustrations drawn
Heisei 6 years /KRAEFT was established after solid and the production activity started
Heisei 8-10.11 year, Osaka and Tokyo to be three-dimensional and exhibition "illustration world NO, 1 NO, 2' other many works will be posted
0/2006 By many and "Expo' solid and works announced 2004 19 / Osaka universal exposition commemorative Park event"ilmenite Expo' Soviet Museum image Pavilion production of approximately 1.93 m
 0/2008 A bird's eye view illustrated map / Osaka Expo Memorial Park.
Production Since fiscal year revised production


Unknown to constantly challenge go you want to think

Believe the impossible can be synonymous and engaged in creative activities Piece creation can convince and grasp the concept is the motto

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Jp 日本語

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