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matsumoto kinryu(matsusei kobo)

matsumoto kinryu(matsusei kobo)


Nice to meet you, based in Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture, we are creating "good luck calligraphy"-blooming goods-. To put a smile on everyone's face! That's what I create. We have received a lot of letters from people who have received the blooming products, saying, "There were concrete improvements and turnarounds!" Etc., happy news has been sent. Please feel free to write to us!

Creator ID:30196





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   110cpt(6564Positions /23787People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


The title logo and dragon painting are especially popular.


Graduated from Iwate University Junior High School Teacher Training Course Calligraphy Department Iwate University Graduate School Teacher Music Research Subject Education Major Japanese Language Education Specialization (Calligraphy) Retired public high school teacher and works as a calligrapher. Currently working as a calligraphy teacher at a private high school, working as a part-time calligraphy instructor at a private high school. Awards Yomiuri Calligraphy Exhibition Special Selection 1 time Excellent 3 times Selected 6 times Japanese Tenkoku Exhibition Member Recommendation Award All Japan High School and College Calligraphy Exhibition Grand Prize 4 times Exhibition Award 2 times Daihonzan Yakushi-ji Temple, etc. Realized the first “Mt. Fuji summit dedication calligraphy” since the beginning


We will proceed with the work after discussing your budget and requests in detail, so please feel free to talk to us!

Other Category(s)

Logo Design



Jp 日本語

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