Cover Image

Lis Kaido

Lis Kaido


Nice to meet you, my name is Kaido Rizu. Freelance illustrator and designer. We accept various visual designs such as character design, standing picture, single picture, icon, cover, header and so on. Please feel free to contact us first! We are waiting for your request.

Creator ID:29210





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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2Favorited:   112cpt(6285Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


We are active in the commercial center. He also has a career as a director of otome games at a game company. The activity was suspended due to private relations, but it has resumed after changing to a new name. He has experience in visual design of various genres such as character design and logos.


[About the charge] Basically, the charge is set for one person per sheet. The fee will change if the amount of drawing is large or if the number of people is added. Please feel free to contact us for a quotation. [Requests and points to keep in mind] ・ If you have any reference information for depiction such as images and links, please show it.・ We will not accept retakes such as additions or changes after delivery.・ If we cannot contact you for 3 days, we will deliver the completed product as it is and complete it. [Prohibited matters] -Processing other than inserting characters, changing the background of transparent parts, and reducing the size is prohibited.・ Information disclosure, unauthorized reproduction, self-made remarks and secondary distribution of rough designs are prohibited.・ For finished products (delivered products), please use after completing the transaction.・ We do not transfer or abandon the copyright.・ Unless the copyright is transferred, we will put in our signature.・ Use for purposes other than those reported at the time of request is prohibited.・ Please use credit notation when using. (Optional) ・ Please contact us in advance as additional charges will be incurred for commercial and secondary use.

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