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Making a 3 min. Music Video :JPY10,000

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Favorited:  9    673cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 9

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Jp 日本語



Until recently, at the other site, I was producing a vocaloid music video and an illustration. We accept jobs such as the cover of the novel, illustrations and other illustrations. I think that the atmosphere of the illustration can be understood somewhat if you can confirm the registered work. There is also a balance with the graduation system of the university, so please understand that we may refuse more than one request at a time. (In some cases, we will raise the price.) A4 In the case of 1 picture, we will hand it in about a week. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to hear from us. Thank you very much.

  • Creator ID:21543
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:7year(s)
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago





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相談する 相談する


Cover picture of a novel, illustration


As of May, 2018 Tohoku University of Art and Composite Science Department of Visual Science Undergraduate studies in animation


■Overview If you prepare a PSD with the background and characters separated, we will use Live2D to create animations that move with MVs, SNS icons (icons for sites that can use GIF), stamps, etc. The movement will be like a standby motion that moves up and down. If you have any other requests, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to work within your budget. [Reference video] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaCjvnyjR2rQ6lrCLfmxyDHHThuwZl9FD ■Price [Base amount 10000 yen] Please feel free to contact us as a guide ・Period: From 1 week (Basically for production on Saturdays and Sundays ) ・Movement: Moves like a standby motion that moves up and down ・Duration: Loop of about 1 to 5 seconds ・1 correction (there are exceptions such as mistakes here) ・Delivery: Serial number / mp4 / GIF, or all. +Live2D data if desired ●Notes ○An additional charge of 5,000 yen will be charged for every 5 seconds the scale is extended. ○In the case of an illustration that makes it difficult to separate the parts, an additional charge of 5,000 yen will be charged. ○ Even if you receive a PSD that has already been divided into parts, the fee will not be reduced. ○ For the PSD, please prepare the character and background separately, or prepare the data for the character only. ○ If the coloring style is too unique / we may refuse the one judged to be an AI illustration. ○ We do not create MV. It will be one of the materials used for MV etc. to the last. ○ Basically, we do not create the left and right movements of the face and body. You may add it if you deem it necessary. This is up to you. ■ Processes included 1. Separation of parts (In the case of an illustration created by another person, it is necessary to obtain permission from the person who drew it and prove it.) 2. Modeling 3. Add motion

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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