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WAVE Design

WAVE Design


Continues to appreciation of the yen against the New Zealand dollar.

If you order here from Japan, now great value. We are New Zealand local corporate design studios.

Global development company, Japan, Kaori as well as domestic companies clients outside of NZ port & Macau S.A.R., Singapore, Australia and even longer we work. Designers in our native language and 8 English, is one of Spain and English designers, and designers in Japan and English.

5 People, including me have individual strengths in the veteran's career more than 10 years, so can almost tackle any request. Graphics from editorial, sales promotion covers all packages. We meet the requests of the Web and illustrations as well.
For more information please see each category page.
Even if New Zealand domestic marketing, media arrangements, photography and model arrangements.

Cots are available in the English copywriting.
You want something! and if you do anything please feel free to consult always to will. We will make it happen!

Creator ID:1233





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You can see standard fee on category profiles. See List Prices


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1Favorited:   223cpt(3544Positions /23787People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Marketing • advertising design general / package/logo design & branding, website


Our company itself was formed about 20 years ago. I'm writing this is one of the designers of the company. About 7 years in Tokyo, editorial and advertising design, after both experienced to freelance.
Currently intact, scouted local design firm in New Zealand panorama vacation five years. Design of Japan, Chinese and English went on a daily basis. Every day I miss Japan language for communication is usually done in English?.


From small to large requests forward to. Using the network strength as a company, will continue to work. First of all please feel free to do anything to contact us.

Other Category(s)

Logo Design



Book Design

Editrial Design


Web Banner




Jp 日本語

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Please feel free to contact us for further assistance including Specialist selection.

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