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Standard Fee

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY45,000

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Favorited:  2    563cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 9

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.86)

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Jp 日本語

Other Category(s)


Please visit the thank you.
Good taste is the Japanese-style, Japanese style modern, real touch, female illustrations.
Clients like the wholeheartedly as to meet the demands, we will produce! Thank you.

  • Creator ID:5345
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:16year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:Within a month


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  • 「捕物と講談」第1集「銭形平次」イラスト


    Fee: Private Completed Date: 2018.04.27 Terms: 50日

    Client: Self-Employed

    ● Purpose / overview of creating an illustration: (As much as possible) I want to ask for 2 titles in the caption and the talk "Queen Shimonobu captured material" with poems with illustrations "and an...

    [See more]

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For women, adults, Japanese style, painting


1995-Mug design

1996-Child painting classroom course

2007-Illustrations, postcards 2012-Painting costumes

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