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raw eye lab.

raw eye lab.


Nice to meet you, raw eye lab... that is a person who is acting in the name.

As designers still learn from this is the hope and could at best help with feeling every single to meet your needs.
Float a specific proposal "fluffy up and feels like ' Please consult in image fits this music' and so on!

On exchanging ideas, the story enough to let us make together.

-You can also produce will take charges can draw a logo and impact in the hand-drawn illustrations, so pictures and PC and different taste.

-We will accept consultations, for example restaurants total design flyer, menu, desktop POP, course menu, logo'd. -[Asia] [sound] [travel] [children] [Food] is a good genre.

We of course otherwise active can also help. We produce according to your budget and schedule.

Please feel free to consult.

Creator ID:5014





Last Login:-

Standard Price

One side A4-sized color print-ready data :JPY11,000


There are no works.


0Favorited:   58cpt(10219Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Patsu and eyes to catch high-impact pictures and designs, and collage are good.


Design at the Art University, after studying painting, textile, 2-D designer and employed as a DTP operator.

Now is working as a freelance.
[Past experience]
-Asian restaurant total design (promotional leaflet, menu, shop card.)
-Chinese restaurant advertising flyers, billboards
-アクセサリーブランドロゴ design
-Asia related events total design flyer, venue information panels, signs, logos, for display material

-Sticker for analog, CD jackets, ノベルティーグッツ design

Other Category(s)

Logo Design


Jp 日本語

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