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Making a 5 min background music (w/o words) :private

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Jp 日本語
Us English (US)

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I'm a freelance composer, arranger, and had been working in a video game developper and a music production as a composer, arranger, sound designer.
I have been involved with composition & arrangement for various fields, such as video games, movies, TV programs, supports for other artists, and so on.
Basically I can make various styles of music but especially I'm good at acoustic sound, and exotic one using some ethnic instruments, such as celtic music. Please fell free to contact me.

  • Creator ID:20104
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:17year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Background Music, Acoustic Music, Ethnic Music, Melodious Music


[March 2007]
Graduated the masters program (conservation ecology) at the University of Tokyo graduate school of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

[April 2007]
<Major works>
-"Vitaminz", game soft for PlayStation2. (composition, arrangement, guitars, synthesizer programming, mixing, sound effects)
-"Zettai Karen Children DS: Dai 4 no Children", game soft for Nintendo DS. (composition, arrangement, sound effects, manipulation of internal sound source)

[April 2010]
Resigned HUNEX and joined Procyon Studio Co., Ltd.
<Major works>
-"Pokemon X/Y", game soft for Nintendo 3DS. (guitars, sound effects, sound editing, audio post production)
-"The Extreme Sukiyaki", movie. (co-arrangement, synthesizer programming)

[June 2013]
Resigned Procyon Studio and became independent.
<Major works>
-"Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire", game soft for Nintendo 3DS. (composition, arrangement, guitars, bass, accordion, synthesizer programming, mixing, sound effects, audio post production)
-"Kako: My Sullen Past", movie. (co-arrangement, bass, synthesizer programming)
-"Phases of the moon / UKULENICA", Music CD. (co-arrangement, ukulele, mixing)


From composition and arrangement to guitar, bass, various ethnic instruments such as musical instrument performance / recording, synth typing, furthermore from mix to mastering, it is also possible to receive it on one stop. The fee fluctuates greatly due to various conditions such as the presence or absence of copyright transfer, the availability of announcement on us, the presence or absence of live performances by external musicians, the presence or absence of external engineers, the length of music, concrete music contents I will do. Regarding the reference price roughly ● No copyrights transferred ● Noticeable ● Please think that it is an unnecessary external players / engineers. For more information, feel free to contact us.

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
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