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Kiyoshi Kobayashi 1

Kiyoshi Kobayashi 1


Record jackets and trace map (National Geographic Institute compliant) City Guide-tourist map brochure, etc. real estate relationship advertising flyers and floor plans traces, magazine ads and company and we are proud to meet every request, so we are doing the catalog ( annual ), numerous areas. Especially is something new began in the work of map work have done recently for the first time.

Creator ID:1275





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Standard Price

4pages of A4-sized color print-ready data :JPY86,000


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0Favorited:   52cpt(10310Positions /23787People)
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Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Map tracing and real estate related チラシパンフレット catalog brochure magazine ad


Graduated from Art Department of Japan kogakuin Shiseido Shiseido Natsuko beauty club training slides, poster エピックソニーオープニング, general recruitment flyers, CBS records jacket and world popular song festival (Yamaha), popcon, Cesar character design, digital data from here. Cesar condo listings brochure, HILTI Japan ( 1999.2000 ) company product catalog, Fuji Coca-Cola company newsletter, Kawasaki City Festival event Tokyo newspapers latte column ad


Advertising data and trace, recently in illustrations and the force we due drawn illustrations person, pet, etc..

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Jp 日本語

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