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Making a 30 sec. Animation :private

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Favorited:  64    1,673cpt See CPT distribution

Projects Done 42

Satisfaction good good good good good (4.64)

Weekly MVP Week of 8Apr19

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Jp 日本語


My name is Eguchi.

Individuals with free CG production, dvdrip, paintings of SNS icon productions and manga by activities.
Taste of paint brush painting and painted animation specializes. Pattern is slightly inclined women paint girls will think is love.

Like boy cartoon-like. I think you want to offer as much as possible we ask. Take a look at please feel free to consult. Thank you in advance.

  • Creator ID:12460
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:9year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:Within a month


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Illustration cartoon character design


Contains all produced the top award, exhibition and painting-related work experience and other requests
By the year 2015
Kodansha Rookie of the year award hopes award winning cartoon 4 p

Youmedia like event notice illustrations illustrations 1 point personal like SNS icon illustrations 3-point personal like free illustrations 7 points design 2 background 1 point
Youmedia like event notice illustrations illustrations 2 personal like product label design 3-point
Individuals like creator registration site banner 3
Personal SNS icon illustration 1 logo design 1
Individuals like SNS icon illustration 5 points
For individuals (dvdrip) illustration of illustrations 2 points for individuals (dvdrip) koushoku cartoon 6 p cover illustration 1
For individuals (dvdrip) Bulletin magazine image Kara design 2

For individuals (dvdrip) illustrated book Illustration 1
In 2013, individuals like SNS icon 6
For individuals (dvdrip) Bulletin magazine cover illustration 1
For individuals (dvdrip) illustrated book Illustration 1
For individuals (dvdrip) koushoku illustrations 2
2012.5 May-11-manga artist Assistant
2010.4 / ~2012.5 / painting (oil on canvas) Assistant.
GSF like group exhibition illustration 2 NPO Corporation dream support like group exhibition illustrations 11-point personal like Bookstore POP illustrations for 2 points
Personal-like caricature colored paper 2
Personal-like mascot design four-point personal like SNS icon 8 points
Dvdrip request illustrations meter 5-point comic meter 42P

Currently, this creator is not available for new projects. Please consider to find other creators.
If you want to know the situation of this artist, please contact us.

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