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Hagiura Tousetu

Hagiura Tousetu


Specialty is real, MoE, character in Chibi fantasy related characters, backgrounds, mainly of illustrations.
Anime costume and weapon design and are proud.

Adolescent girl cartoonist aim also, draw my illustrations in style girl-cartoon-style touch and MoE.

Anime 10 to 20 generations of men and women alike, 40-50's male characters, and are proud. And want to go for my upcoming painting work of protecting the light novels and manga, magazines, book covers, frontispieces, illustrations. Social games and card games anime illustrations (background loading is possible).

In event CG, character design, animation and game.
Last but not least, I believe I illustrated through many people dream to reach out!
Draw the illustrations may be a well-worn Word is fun and does not end happily.
Also hit the wall again and again, but the fun of going to trial and how to defuse it! Fun even in distress and feel very rewarded.
It is a very nice thing to draw illustrations. My thoughts are depicting the world through illustrations and a lot of people share that can.

To the person who can draw such illustrations I will continue growing more and more from this! From this please please pay attention!

Creator ID:9366





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Real series, MoE, thick paint, painting, restock fill


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Jp 日本語

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