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Chiba Design

Chiba Design


Film propaganda design, DVD & Blu-ray jacket design is good. Please leave the logo, flyer, brochure, web banners, book binding etc.

Creator ID:8602





Last Login:Within 3 days

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4pages of A4-sized color print-ready data :private


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3Favorited:   632cpt(1340Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:6  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Main film propaganda piece "Shrek" and "Shrek forever after", "and Kung Fu Panda 2 ', Sponge Bob," Curious George ', "Prince of Egypt", "Charlotte's Web", "monsters vs. Aliens' the Truman Show, Jurassic Park series 1-3," mission: impossible "series 1-3, and Mona Lisa smile, the masked man,"fell in love with Shakespeare', 'ghost', "Willow", "forest Gump", " Sliding doors ', "Wimbledon", "beautifully... ', Bridget Jones's diary,"Carlito's way"American beauty,"reality bites"Alfie,"Stardust"," Georgia Snogging in the perfect ' "Connie & Carla,"Johnny English"and"catch me if you can' life of David Gale "8 Mile" maid in Manhattan "007 Golden eye ', "007 licence'" 007 tomorrow never dies ', beautiful mind, private Ryan, "to lose a guy in 10 days how ', the condition of happiness,"the flintstones', to the 'distant Earth', inside man, "Terminal", the interpreter, "RAY Ray", divorce show a black snake morn, "Francesco", Charlotte grey "mother sleep", "Babe" The Star Trek, World Trade Center, United 93, changing Lane, about a boy, in the bedroom, "E.T./20 anniversary',: American summer story,"meet the parents", Galaxy Quest,"Ed TV","beyond the sky ","civil actions', "snow falling on Cedars,"Welcome to the Dollhouse"and"peacemaker"," Meet Joe Black ', grace of my heart, "species" the Nutty Professor, love actually, freedom writers, Georgia's diary, "Red Dragon", the mystery of the Spiderwick Chronicles, shine, revolutionary road, 'pride and prejudice', Dreamgirls, "Tropic Thunder", clover fields, April snow, holiday, "young ≈ erotic ',"

True grit ', Madagascar 2, "Last Airbender", the lovely bones, "George Harrison living-in-the-material world'," the-RAID ', "another Shakespeare',"outlaw", etc. DVD Blu-ray / American Psycho, Aphrodite's love shine, Drugstore Cowboy, good life, playing the guitar, Broadway and bullets, the ninth gate, Princess Bride, temptation, no strings attached, one day League came the wild man blues, Earth is Deconstructing, George Harrison living-in-the-material world, Mahjong hourouki, my beautiful ランドレッド, Bob Marley Roots of legends, the, RAID, another Shakespeare, celebrities, Barak

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Film DVD Blu-ray logo book

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