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Weekly MVP Week of 23Feb15

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Jp 日本語


Cartoonists ' breathtaking gone POO ' means that Naoki Nomura and.

Is a cartoonist who has drawn a gag comic manga magazine focusing on forward with laughter.
Story cartoon of course, 4 frames, one frame manga, illustration and caricature

And I can respond to what deal has drawn a variety of genres of comics nearly 20 years.

The weekly magazine series experience, but never ever missed the manuscript, delivery deadline several days ago Elizabeth has.

I think if you can go out forever.

Thank you in advance.

  • Creator ID:8597
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:35year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:Within a week






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Story manga, 4 frame cartoons and illustrations


In the 17-year-old's weekly boy Magazine monthly Rookie of the year Award Honorable mention.

While Assistant in the 24-year-old debut in racing cartoon.

Serialized in the weekly manga times in the 30-year-old, independently.

Serialized in the erotic magazine young comic, namiki, unnerving, tequila.

In young Sunday, young champion's complete reading.

In the slots realm, slotter Kingdom, great combat, spalling slotter 7 slot and pachinko magazines received numerous series.

Currently customs experience comics, advertising cartoons, illustrations, etc. widely drawn let our will.

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