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Earth, EITA

Earth, EITA


First name Earth, EITA,. Somewhere so cool?
But cute?

Cute cool draw illustrations on the theme.
Please inform from cut illustration 1 point.

We are drawn like fantasy systems like used games as a good genre anime well anyway illustrations but otherwise used in beastman, flyers.
You can draw, regardless of genre, but drew illustrations for posters, illustrations perched anime illustrations. We accept job posters including the character of total design.

Creator ID:576





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1Favorited:   13cpt(11227Positions /23786People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


If you are good at 49ers line thick with catchy illustration, cartoon or anime-ish illustrations.


2006-11-Poster design underwriting in 2007 may Design Festa exhibitors 2007 July poster design underwriting underwriting poster design and layout for DM 9/2007, 10/2007 poster design assumption character replacement posters took on 9/2007 in 11/2007 Design Festa Vol.26 17, 18, attended!
11/2007 And 12/2007 Christmas card portrait illustrations take wedding groom bride caricature illustrations


■ commitment of piece:: I stuck with lines. Always feature careful we are.

Feel the taste but thick. ■ characteristics of the work:: well, pretty cool.

Base are you conscious of 'pretty cool'. ■ favorite words:: calligraphy was seen in the deserved artist I's loves words.
I take a chance that I loved ■ production environment:: / OS WindowsXP PhotshopCS IllustratorCS and copy paper / Tres units, main software and PILOT ink drawing and round pen.
Recently I put the pen is a little when you are in the path.

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Jp 日本語

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