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Editrial Design

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Projects Done 9

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Jp 日本語


-Editorial design, magazine, books, zines, free papers, are available.
-Will be underwriting up to print progress management from production in the catalogue brochure Flyer printing company working experience,.
-For your job from various publishers and editing production-free for 15 years.
-Showbiz relationships, men's magazines, how-to books, nerd hard materials ranging from soft systems, education, etc., do.
-Lively and fun, information-packed in high density, masculine, dynamic, such magazine is good at.

  • Creator ID:3892
  • Gender:private
  • Age:private
  • Career:27year(s)
  • Area:Non-Public
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago



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Catalog brochure flyer production / editorial design / logo creation


-Printing company to work for 10 years.
-Worked for part of the production and, doing one kind, editing and lighting design, as a free independent.
-Showbiz stuff many of book binding, gravure Idol photobook system design. ● for men magazine, true story, editorial design, magazine layout.

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