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As a freelancer, I have been working as a scriptwriter and short story for 18 prohibited situation voice works. Screenplays start at JPY 1 per character, and novels start at JPY 5.2 per character. We are good at erotic horror, bad end and merry bad end, and we are also good at slightly niche and minor genres such as BL (male romance), NL (male and female romance), Ryona, ska (large and small). I'm not good at GL (love between women), happy endings, and big circles.

Creator ID:28092





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

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There are no works.


0Favorited:   -55cpt(22873Positions /23783People)
Projects Done:1  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


The fee for copyright transfer is usually twice as much as the order. note that. Regarding the deadline, it will take 1 month for novels and screenplays up to 15,000 characters, and 3 months to 6 months for feature-length novels with 100,000 characters or more. Please let us know when you request whether the script is an order that includes the plot or if the plot is created there. Please note that we will only accept orders for derivative works that you know.

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Jp 日本語

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