Cover Image

Chihiro Mitsuki

Chihiro Mitsuki


My name is Chihiro Mitsuki. I am good at drawing cool illustrations such as weapons. We will take responsibility for the transaction until the end. I look forward to working with you.

Creator ID:28035





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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1Favorited:   101cpt(7723Positions /23788People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


MV, book cover, icon, header, standing picture


Please refer to the portfolio site.


We accept quotations and consultations at any time. Please feel free to contact us. I think there are some points that cannot be reached, but we will take responsibility for the transaction until the end. ------------- ◎ I mainly draw headers, icons, and single pictures (standing pictures, frontispieces, music videos, thumbnail illustrations for distribution, etc.). Please see the portfolio site for trends in illustrations. ◎ In order to maintain quality, we have a lot of production days, from 2 weeks to 1 month. Early start is possible for +3,000 yen, but short-term delivery is not accepted.・ Firearms Weapons 〇 ・ Animals 〇 ・ NL, BL, GL 〇 ・ R18 (including Guro) × ・ Robots, mechanics △ (People who can prepare detailed materials can respond) ・ Self-made remarks ・ Secondary distribution ・ Resale Act × ・ Copyright transfer × [Request procedure] Please send the content of your request and materials (images, reference links, etc.) from the inquiry. If you fill in the details, it will be helpful because it will be easier to imagine. Illustrations are also welcome. * If you read the contents and decide that this is technically difficult, we may decline your request.・ People's appearance, clothes, person settings, world view / composition, poses, facial expressions ・ Overall image color (in the case of color illustrations) ・ Purpose of use of illustrations ・ Other requests (please copy and use) R18 project We do not accept items (including sexual and violent expressions).

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Jp 日本語

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