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Nishimura IT life support

Nishimura IT life support


He has been working as a designer in the e-commerce industry for a long time before independence, and at the same time, was trained by a professional photographer. Currently, I am engaged in a wide variety of photo retouching tasks as a professional. I am particularly good at natural processing that does not overdo it.

Creator ID:25907





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   100cpt(8142Positions /23788People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Correction of beautiful skin, body shape correction, landscape correction, etc.


Joined the EC industry as a designer in 2006. Until 2012, engaged in web design and image correction at two companies. Independent in 2013, handling photo retouching services while undertaking a wide range of IT-related tasks.


-Please note that depending on the content of your request, we may not be able to refuse you if it is judged impossible here (the background of the part to be corrected is too complicated, making it too unnatural if you do so).・ Since we cannot determine the purpose / purpose of using the image, we will not basically make any modifications beyond your request. For this reason, please make sure that any corrections are provided as accurately as possible.

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Photo Retouching


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