Cover Image




SKIMA Search by keyword Hana Aiko Last login: Within 24 hours Achievements: Commission 2 Character sales 0 Follows: 0 Followers: 30 2 0 0 0 Profile Gallery Commission character sales evaluation Self-introduction ❀ I was working on clothing design, but I retired during pregnancy and now I am in the last month (⁎ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈⁎) I accept illustration orders outside SKIMA and have a lot of transactions返 答 Since it is reversed day and night, the response is quick from evening to night す る と If you do not respond, you will sleep until 4 pm, so if you do not reply, please wait until night ポ ー ト フ ォ リ オ Portfolio https: // Glittering fluffy, I like to draw a transparent girl with lots of lace and frills (* ´∇ ` *) ♡ Requests are all right, such as BL, GL, NL, non-human, fine erotic, anime characters and original characters (* ¯꒳¯ *) ♡ I will do my best to answer your request 質問 Questions etc. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us from the message❀ Twitter❀ ↓

Creator ID:25296





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

One A4-sized color illustration :JPY6,800


I see the work more


1Favorited:   166cpt(4467Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:2  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Illustration, girl, cute


Illustration order by past results, individual requests Over 30 items in the past 6 headers 8 icons Wedding welcome board 3 full-body panels 1 single picture 2 analog originals 12 winning illustration contests 2 posters 7 Comic City Circle participation twice Doujinshi, postcard, acrylic key chain


* Ryona, Guro, excessive R18, and other pictures that suggest crime, etc. are NG ... (;> Hayato) * Copyright belongs to the author. Please refrain from unauthorized reproduction of the work, self-made remarks, resale, secondary use, etc. If you have not chosen to transfer the rights, commercial use is not possible, and it may be posted on my personal SNS.

Other Category(s)

Illustrations for Games


Jp 日本語

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