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Shin Ozaki

Shin Ozaki


Nice to meet you! Thank you for visiting. My name is Ozaki. I specialize in portrait photography, so please feel free to contact me about profile photos for SNS and websites, artist photos, etc. ✓We can travel from Tokyo to the Kanto area, and we can also discuss other areas. ✓About 1 to 3 staff will visit you (varies depending on the scale of the shoot) ✓We are compatible with both studio and outdoor, so we can handle any conditions. ✓We also support filming and editing of interview videos and YouTube videos. ✓We can also arrange photography studios and hair and makeup. Please feel free to contact us as we make proposals after listening to your preferences in detail, such as "What kind of atmosphere do you want to create in the photo?" We also accept consultations on graphic design such as flyers and posters.

Creator ID:23146





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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0Favorited:   110cpt(6563Positions /23783People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Born in Kanagawa Prefecture and lives in Tokyo. After graduating from Kuwasawa Design School, worked as an assistant designer at a design office for about 6 years. After retirement, while working as a freelance graphic designer, he learned photography by himself and started working as a photographer. A total of about 1000 people, from ordinary people to celebrities, were photographed. His hobby is listening to music.

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Jp 日本語

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