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Jp 日本語


☆ I have taken pictures of thousands of architecture and interior in 50 countries around the world. There are many photographers such as major general design department, major advertising agency, well-known architect, etc. We provide easy moving images in addition to high quality photographs. ☆ The photographs taken are quality that can be used for any media. ☆ What is the best architectural picture and movie? ☆ The price is the charge per hour of photography with single lens reflex. ¥ 20,000 / h The number of cuts that can be taken in one hour is about 5 to 10 cuts. "Drone" ☆ Drawing of the drone will be a different charge, 1 flight still image 30 minutes or so, ¥ 30,000, the animation ¥ 50,000. It is about ¥ 150,000 "1 movie editing" when shooting a day with only the still images of the single lens reflex and drones ☆ It is + ¥ 30,000 separately from the movie editing movie shooting fee as easy as placing the title and BGM. Still picture of single lens reflex and drone + shooting of one day until video and movie editing + movies and movies Editing inside the building inside of the building TS - E 17 mm Shift Lens Movie + Edit dragon movie and insert a BGM to make a fun movie I will. Applicable area: Anywhere in the world if you can shoot ※ Transportation fee · accommodation fee etc are required separately except near Tokyo Kanagawa etc. ※ Although Drones has acquired the national inclusive application permission, it may not be able to fly in weather or radio wave condition. ※ When shooting the exterior such as drone, it is necessary to discuss the shooting time more than two weeks ago.

  • Creator ID:22025
  • Gender:Male
  • Age:private
  • Career:private
  • Area:Japan
  • Last Login:More than 3 months ago


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Architecture Photo Interior Photo Drone Aerial Video Edit


Born in Kanagawa Prefecture, graduated from Shibaura Institute of Technology Department of Building Engineering. He is qualified as a first-class architect. Middle East Africa, etc., and touring countries that are close to 50 countries to date. Since then photographs are published in various newspapers and magazines Photo collection: "The monastic world of monastic world" 1994.6 TOTO publication "Sand Paradise - Coptic monastery" 1996.10 TOTO publication "Gensokuroku" 2008.10 Random House Kodansha Currently, architectural photographs and drone In addition to photographing the aerial photography of the university, he also holds lectures on the themes of the world's architecture and the environment at universities and design offices.

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