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Naoyuki Hasegawa

Naoyuki Hasegawa


Nice to meet you. We operate a wide range of activities including online shopping (Rakuten, Yahoo, amazon) in Gifu prefecture, website creation for a wide range of age groups, flyer production, photography: shooting movies, editing and workshops. It is possible to do it consistently from design to construction of website. Design system = logo mark, business card, DM, brochure, folding flier, product label, package, store signboard, in-store POP, poster, T-shirt etc. Website system = Create original homepage, renewal website, create landing page, etc. Responsive design site with basic SEO measures. A site that can add custom functions such as quotation form and reservation form using CMS. Production of EC site (Rakuten, Amazon, Yahoo, Q10 etc.). Photo & video = Product photos for internet shops, portrait shots, PR interviews, products · Youtube video shooting from editing (introduction of telop etc.). Online shopping business will be finished at 17 o'clock on weekdays, so it is possible to operate after that. Always be able to contact us. As we are making sure to keep the delivery schedule as a professional, please rest assured. Thank you for your consideration.

Creator ID:21027





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

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2Favorited:   101cpt(7725Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Design, photography movie shooting / editing, website creation, construction of EC site

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