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Karimata Fujiko (karimata Fujiko)

Karimata Fujiko (karimata Fujiko)


How do you do.

Karimata we have photographers in the Kansai region (karimata) and my name is.

Through the pictures out so many love this job to be able to form.

Because more than anything else like to shoot people, products, landscapes, anything, but other people especially like photographing people!

I want to be in that moment can be cut, and I think sometimes when I'm happy, sad, both in adults and in children 1 s 1 s daily wonderful moments filled with photographers. Thank you in advance!

Creator ID:16915





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

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I see the work more


6Favorited:   233cpt(3429Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:271  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


-Event photography
And model photography
And artist interviews photography
Bridal shot (snap, type)
Store shooting (restaurant, hairdresser, beauty salon, sundry shop)
-LIVE shoot
And product photography for web shops
And sports, Yu gi会, various types of sports competitions
And pertussis photos


Etc clients like the would continue to challenge anything to meet your needs and expectations.

Best regards.

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Jp 日本語

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