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Hirostudio 八竹, Hirokazu

Hirostudio 八竹, Hirokazu


Advertising photography in General at high wealth Yamagata City located north of Gifu city, we shot at.
Pottery, lacquer ware, metal and miscellaneous goods catalogue has been taking for many years.
Dishes that accompanies it, people, and architecture are also good.
High-quality ingredients and Design materials that you send, especially in food, food photography, food Coordinator and taking cheap, speedy. Their Studio (12 x 8 m h4.5m), Horizont (h4.5x6x6m) and will be taken such as large furniture.
Only by taking large photo sign make indoor topical tapestry, banners (banners) production.
* Corporate rates are required separately. Shooting fees will increase or decrease depending on the difficulty and number of cuts.

Creator ID:16790





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0Favorited:   68cpt(10106Positions /23787People)
Projects Done:8  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Tokyo photo technical school in Tokyo (now Visual Arts)
Fashion photographers assistants (Tokyo, Japan)
Studioman large rental Studio (Tokyo, Japan)
Commercial Studios (Nagoya, Japan)
Printing company photographers (Gifu)
In 1984 from hirostudio.

1991 North hotels in neighboring Gifu-Shi, Yamagata-shi saga in their Studio.

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Jp 日本語

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