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Hironori Ohno

Hironori Ohno


● I started, I would like to call Hironori Ohno! I am a freelance composer doing activities. We are looking for work of BGM and sound production of sound effects. We have experience experience with smartphone games, corporate PV etc. We will cooperate with works of various needs, so if you are interested please feel free to contact us.

Creator ID:22970





Last Login:More than 3 months ago

Standard Price

Making a 5 min game music (w/o words) :JPY50,000


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0Favorited:   104cpt(7249Positions /23784People)
Projects Done:0  
Client satisfaction average: good good good good good


Composition, arrangement, sound effect production of game music.


Born in Miyagi prefecture, born in Miyagi prefecture, began immersed in creation from early childhood, began composing from the age of 13, graduated from high school aspiring to a music path, after working as a freelance composer as a freelance after independence From 2011 on-line game "Dungeon Hero "and BGM of WEB site etc. ● past achievements etc iOS Android game my fishing story - BGM 13 songs iOS Android game Eine Unerwartete Liebe - Otome Spiele - BGM, OP 2 songs Yamael corporation introduction PV BGM snow - Yuki's 2nd single "Brilliant Dust" Tears of Tsukuba "1 song STUDIO NOUVEAU Inc. Radio" Photonium "OP, ED, Bath, 3 songs DMM Games" Dungeon Hero "2 songs Deliliia co-company BGM 1 song Aso Cadley · Dominion stage · Ban Payutaro BGM 2 song radio CM "Sendai Banbura art festa" CM Jingle provided 1 song Other achievements


You can watch sample songs from here Dropbox, so please listen and listen.

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Jp 日本語

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